Sunday, October 25, 2009

Do Nursing Moms Need Protection?

Here's an interesting video from Cambell Brown, a working, breastfeeding mom who pumps...

(Just fyi... here's the original article about the Isotoner mom posted earlier... )

Yes, we certainly need more laws and protection for pumping moms.

As a mom who pumped/worked for her baby, I think more opportunities should be made to help moms in similar situations... almost like "smoking breaks," or the like, for others. :O) More positive stories and solutions should also be distributed and possibly sought...

All in all, a good, open communication with an employer is probably one of the better things to keep in mind in these type situations. And, presenting a well-thought out, positive plan *ahead* of time which shows an employer how future pumping will *not* have a negative impact on job efficiency, etc., might be another idea.

But, do we pick our battles right now while the foundations are being laid down?

I pumped in a dirty, small storage room... this was the only availability at the time. I did pump in a counselor's office with a sign on the door politely asking to "please knock, I'm breastfeeding" but was still walked in on. Of course, the "intrusion" wasn't on purpose, but it was an uncomfortable situation, to say the least. O)

Anyhow, I did survive... I just closed my eyes and thought of my little girl (probably helping my let-down reflex, too!).If needed, the art of a well-written complaint letter might also be beneficial....

Lack of current information on breastfeeding is so prevalent these days.